黄兴贤大师(Huang Xingxian, Huang Sheng-Shyan)黄兴贤大师于1910年出生于中国福建省鼓山镇翔宇村。
从14岁起,他就在福建白鹤拳训练, 罗汉拳和道家内功,最初在潘屿八大师处,后来在他最著名的弟子谢宗祥大师处 (1852–1930)。
随后,黄晓明在上海开设了一所学校,与他的朋友一起训练 Chung Yu-Jen (太极), Chiang Hai-Ching (形意) 和 Yang Chih-Ching (八卦)。 他还跟随万赖声学习,万赖声是1938年中国武术冠军,以自然门闻名。
Q&A with Huang Xingxian
Are there different schools or sects of Taiji?
Taiji embodies a comprehensive set of knowledge, developed and handed down by our learned predecessors with mystifying principles and profound philosophical learnings. ...
Our predecessors developed the art for improving human health, warding off sickness, slowing down the ageing process, achieving longevity and defending oneself...
Once there is internal and external synchronisation, then the question of slow and fast in practice is unimportant. At this stage, one gets the feeling that the upper portion of the body is like the drifting of clouds and the lower portion is like the flowing of water.
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