李雅轩 LiYaxuan
太极立体圈, "太极理论真传"
"True Transmission of Taiji Principles" - Taiji Vertical Circle
by Master Li Ya-Hsuan (Student of Yang Cheng-Fu), in which he argues for the vertical lifting and sinking which produces the vertical circle and the true 3 dimensional circularity of movement.
1) 拳种之多,成百上千,实质上也不过是练习这些关节的不同的运动方法而已。 关节以灵活为贵,越是灵活,对我们的作用越大。
1. Although there are hundreds of styles of boxing, in fact they are all different ways of exercising according to a few key principles. Of the key principles, the most valuable is agility. The more agile, the better the boxing.
2) 在太极拳著作中,很多人都主张一趟拳架,只能在一个高度下练完,不可忽高忽低。这就使得脚上六个大关节,只能在极不自然的状态下运动,以致于不可能充分发挥它们的功能。这样练法,容易增长腿脚的硬力,但一定练不出自然的弹性来。发劲时只会后脚向前蹬,是做作出来的,因而动作速度不够快,效果很难令人满意。这就正是很多人练了很多年还不会发劲或者发劲的效果很不好的原因。
2. In the writings about Taijiquan, many authors emphasize that a boxing set must be performed from start to finish at a fixed height. Continuously performing a set at a fixed height forces the three large joints of the leg to operate in an extremely unnatural position, to the extent that it becomes impossible to develop the legs to their full potential. This kind of practice makes it easy for the leg to develop a kind of rigid strength, but it becomes impossible to develop natural elasticity. Therefore, when issuing energy, one can only push forward with the back leg. The resultant force is deliberate and unnatural, so the speed of movement will be slow and the result will seldom be satisfactory. This is the reason so many people practice so many years and are still unable to issue energy or the effect of the energy issued is poor.
3) 主张在一个高度下练拳的人,大约是认为:只有如此,重心才不至上浮,有利于气沉丹田,根基稳定。须知气沉丹田,是自然的,不是死死压住;而根基的稳定,是灵活的稳定。是全身松了,重心自然下沉的稳定,不是死死压住的稳定,如果以压求沉、求稳,就只能使下肢丧失弹性。
3. Of those who advocate doing forms at a fixed height, most believe this is the only way to keep the center from floating up and of sinking the Qi to the Dantien in order to stabilize the body. What must be made clear is that the Qi sinking to the Dantien is a natural occurrence, and not the result of purposely forcing the air down. In regard to stability, this must be "stability in agility". Through relaxation of the whole body, the centre will naturally sink and the whole body will be stable. This "stability in agility" is not the same as forcing the center down. If one forces the center to sink in order to be stable, then the elasticity of the legs will be lost.
4) 至于一趟拳要在一个高度下练完,不可忽高忽低,这一条规则,拳谱上找不到根据。
4. The theory of practicing a boxing set at a fixed height, without moving higher or lower, has no basis in the boxing classics.
5) 太极拳是"圆象",是立体的。从任何—方,都可以走弧形,运转自由的。如果只在—个高度下练拳,不可忽高忽低,则必然把腰胯的运动轨迹,限制在平面内。
5. Taijiquan is circular in form. This circularity is three dimensional. Seen from any angle, the movements are curves. If a set is performed at a fixed height, without moving higher or lower, then the movements of the waist and hip will be limited to two-dimensional (flat) movement.
6) 拳谱上说,"一举动,周身俱要轻灵",如果只在一个高度下练拳,连上下伸缩的余地都没有,弹性丧失殆尽,还怎么可能轻灵呢?何况还有人观察到,只在一个高度下练拳的,有不少人都导致了膝关节有不同程度的损伤!这就是违反了自然松柔的恶果!
6. The boxing classics say "as soon as one moves, every part of the body must be light and agile." If one performs a boxing set with contraction of the upper and lower body and elasticity is completely lost; then can one be light and agile? Besides this, it has been observed that performing sets at a fixed height with no variation has led to varying degrees of knee injuries. This is in opposition to the results of being naturally relaxed.
7) 一趟拳都在不断上起与下沉中练完,每一式,前半上起(吸气),后半下沉(呼气)。而且身体的下沉,是由内气下沉丹田而引使它自然下沉的。在下沉时开裆(也称圆裆),劲沉脚底,脚与地面接触紧密,即劲与地相通。这样练出来的功夫,轻松自然,发劲时,腿、脚的弹性很强,既快且猛,干净利落,威力比前者大得多
7. A boxing set should be performed with the head continuously floating up while the body continuously sinks. The first half of every posture lifts (during inhalation) while the second part sinks (during exhalation). Moreover, this sinking of the body comes about naturally due to the sinking of the Qi internally. During the sinking of the Qi, the opening or rounding of the "tang" (crotch area) causes the energy to sink to the soles of the feet. The soles of the feet will feel tightly compressed to the ground and the energy will be able to pass between the feet. The kung fu produced will be natural and relaxed and when issuing energy the legs will have tremendous power and speed and the force generated will be sudden and crisp. This force will be much greater than the force generated by pushing forward with the back leg.
8) 前者的后脚向前蹬,是横力,是做作出来的,远离了自然之道。后者的下沉发劲,是直力产生的弹力,或称反坐力,只要思想上一动念,即可在下沉中完成了发劲的动
8. Pushing forward with the back produces an indirect force and is deliberate and thus unnatural. This kind of force is out of harmony with principles of nature. On the other hand, the energy obtained by sinking is a direct force, produced by elasticity and rebound power. In addition, the energy produced by sinking can be issued instantaneously in response to intention.